This service allows you to have a fully personalised catalogue with your brand and company contact information. We take care of adapting our catalogues to reflect your corporate identity, ensuring that your customers recognise and trust your business.
Personalised catalogue with your brand
Our service allows you to have a fully customised catalogue with your branding and contact information. We take care of adapting our catalogues to reflect your corporate identity, ensuring that your customers recognise and trust your business.
Files for printing or online delivery
We offer both print and online delivery options, giving you the flexibility to use the format that best suits your needs. Whether you prefer to distribute printed catalogues in your shops or send digital versions via email, we provide you with the tools you need to reach your customers effectively.
Catalogue Division: Flexible Packaging and Protective Clothing
Our catalogues are mainly divided into two main business lines: Flexible Packaging and Protective Apparel. This segmentation allows you to choose and customise the catalogue that best suits your specific needs.
Packaging: Includes a wide range of flexible packaging solutions such as bags for food, confectionery, freezer, kraft paper bags and more.
Protective Apparel: Covers products such as protective gear for beauty and hairdressing, healthcare, horeca, food industry, cleaning, among others.